Community Board/News/Seminar for Graduating Students: Auburn Media Training
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Seminar for Graduating Students: Auburn Media Training

Option to take for Credit (1 credit elective)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.

Auburn Theological Seminary, 18th Floor
Enter through 61 Claremont Avenue, corner of West 120th Street
(between Broadway & Riverside Drive)

ABS3021: Auburn Media Training: Trouble the Waters. Heal the World;


Media is the pulpit of the 21st century: from immigration to gun violence to LGBT equality to money in politics, religion and faith dominate today’s headlines. Over the past ten years Auburn Media has established itself as a key media trainer for the religious movement. We have trained more than 3,500 religious leaders and experts on religion to retain their integrity and voice through such trying times and, perhaps more importantly, elevated some our voices to shape history. This includes many of today’s prophets, for example, Sister Simone Campbell and her Nuns on the Bus tour, which focused on raising the profile of the notion of a moral economy; Bishop Gene Robinson who during his ten years as the first openly gay person to be consecrated Episcopal bishop risked his life to stand for LBGT equality in church and state; and the Rev. Dr. Delman Coates and his initiative to get African American clergy to stand for marriage equality in 2012 from Maryland to Washington state. Auburn Media equips faith leaders and experts on religion to stand for justice through the press.


Training Highlights:

• Participants will learn the Top 10 Tips for speaking powerfully through the media and a messaging strategy designed for faith voices. These tools will equip leaders with skills to take their authentic voices and social justice or values issues and create a media-ready message that can platform their work to a new audience through television, radio, effective blogging, social media and op-eds.

• Participants will receive preparation in creating strong messaging, learning how to harness the power of story. These tools are core to the Auburn Media Training curriculum for effective engagement.

• Participants will receive on-camera training with guidance and feedback from the trainers. This work gives them key practice to tighten their messages and prepares them to be camera-ready for the public square of the media.

• In addition to the Auburn Media training team, participants will benefit from the wisdom of a carefully selected faculty that will include leaders in the field of communication and religion.


To Register:

• For 1 credit: contact NYTS Registrar at AND register online at the link below.

• For no credits: register at

Under the drop-down menu, there is an option for April 13: NYTS. After selecting the training, participants will need to complete all requested information. Online registration for all participants is mandatory!

Lunch will be included for all participants. Please send any food restrictions or needs at least two weeks in advance of your training.

For further information, please contact Courtney Weber Hoover, Events and Trainings Manager at 212-870-3187.

Download this flyer HERE.

Graduating Student Seminar 2016 v2

Category: News
Last Updated: February 17, 2016