Community Board/News/Postponement of “The Wind Blows Where It Will”
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Postponement of “The Wind Blows Where It Will”

A Message from New York Theological Seminary
regarding the postponement of
“The Wind Blows Where It Will”:
Transnational Formations in Early African Pentecostalism,”
scheduled to be held at Joseph Ayodele Babalola University
Ikeji Arakeji, Osun State, Nigeria, January 16-18, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Over the past several days we have watched with growing concern news reports of the national strike in Nigeria and the impact it is having on the entire society.  We wish above all else to express our concerns for the people of Nigeria, and to let our brothers and sisters especially in Christ Apostolic Church know that we are holding you and the nation in prayer through this time of turmoil.  We want to express our solidarity with all who are experiencing hardship due to the strike, and we pray with great earnestness that a lasting and just peace may prevail not only in relation to this current situation, but in all matters of life in the world.  May even this current crisis be one in which God is lifted up.

The national strike in Nigeria has now affected the plans regarding the conference scheduled to be held at Joseph Ayodele Babalola University next week (January 16-18) on the transnational dimensions of Christ Apostolic Church.  As of this morning (Friday, January 13) we have been informed by the planning team in Nigeria that the conference has been postponed.

In the days to come the planning team we will reconvene to determine when to reschedule the event.  Even if it is not possible for all of us to attend the rescheduled event, we will be sure that our papers are presented and the work we have been doing together goes forward.  We believe the promised outcomes of the conference, both in terms of scholarship and fellowship, are far too important to allow even a national strike to deter.  We look forward to seeing not only our academic endeavors increase, but the work of Christ Apostolic Church in its ministry in Nigeria, Ghana, and other parts of the world advance.

To Professor Christopher Olubunmi Oshun, the leadership of Joseph Ayodele Babalola University, and the leadership of Christ Apostolic Church, we express a particular word of thanks for the work you have done in preparing for a delegation from the United States to be a part of this event.  We are truly grateful for your hospitality, and are truly sorry that we will not be able to receive it next week.  We look forward to the day when we will be able to come back to your campus, and look forward to continuing our work together in education and ministry.

To the other organizations that have worked to plan for this conference and have been a part of our continuing conversations on ministry in transnational and diasporan contexts, including The Institute for Diasporan African Studies, and Christ Apostolic Church (First in the Americas), Brooklyn, NY, we are also thankful and trust that we will be able to continue our collaboration despite the postponement of this conference next week.  We also express our continuing thanks to the Henry Luce Foundation for its support of this work, and look forward to setting a date when we can resume the work together.

Category: News
Last Updated: January 13, 2012