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New York Theological Seminary and the ALEPH Sign Partnership Agreement

alephOctober 28, 2010 corresponding to 20 Cheshvan 5771 — New York Theological Seminary (NYTS) and ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal (ALEPH) signed a formal memorandum of understanding today that engages the two institutions in a unique partnership in the NYTS Doctor of Ministry program.  The agreement initiates a shared and coordinated program of studies leading to the award of the NYTS Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree for Jewish clergy.  Students in the program are able to transfer work completed in the ALEPH Ordination Programs to the NYTS Doctor of Ministry, allowing them to complete demonstration projects in spiritual direction or liturgical arts.  Candidates will participate in the NYTS-Auburn Multi-faith Doctor of Ministry track, while NYTS and ALEPH faculty serve as advisors for the projects and theses.  The NYTS Doctor of Ministry degree is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada.

ALEPH grew out of the P’nai Or Religious Fellowship founded by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and is a core institution in the Jewish Renewal movement.  The ALEPH Ordination Program includes Rabbinic, Rabbinic Pastor, Cantorial and Spiritual Direction tracks.  ALEPH’s partnership with NYTS is due in part to the doctoral work of NYTS graduate Rabbi Shohama Wiener (D.Min. 1992), who serves as Rosh Hashpa’ah (Director of Spiritual Direction and Development) for the ALEPH Ordination Programs and Founding Director of HASHPA’AH, ALEPH’s program to train, certify and ordain Jewish clergy in the role of mashpia (spiritual director). Further information on this new program is available from Rabbi Dr. Steven Silvern, or from Dr. Keith Russell,

Category: News
Last Updated: November 22, 2010