Community Board/Archive/May 17, 2011: Intersections Event – Leadership without Borders: Globalization and the Quest for Freedom
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May 17, 2011: Intersections Event – Leadership without Borders: Globalization and the Quest for Freedom


Leadership without Borders:
Globalization and the Quest for Freedom


Presented by the Values and Leadership Roundtable
May 17, 2011
The Yale Club New York City
8:30am – 5pm, Reception Following



On May 17, 2011 at the Yale Club in New York City there will be a gathering of diverse leaders from the business and the non-profit sectors.

They are being invited to become world leaders; to self identify and engage in a values-based leadership conversation that is bringing about a sustainable world infused with greater freedom and compassion.

The conversation will be stimulated by keynote speakers, small group conveners, and the stories that each leader brings to this extraordinary gathering. Participants will engage each other on questions such as:

  • How am I to step forward as this kind of leader?
  • Where do I fit in?  What needs doing and how will I help to bring it about?
  • What are the values I bring to the process?
  • From where does my personal power and influence come?

The conference will end with a call for future collaboration and networking among leaders to be part of a connected values-based leadership movement.




Tachi Kiuchi, renowned speaker and evangelist for sustainable corporate leadership; former CEO, Mitsubishi Electric America; Chairman of the Board for The Future 500; co-author of What We Learned in the Rainforest: BusinessPrinciples For the New Economy.


Dr. Jacob Needleman: leading philosopher on ethics and values; author of The American Soul which explores the core values of the American Constitution and their meaning today; author of Money and the Meaning of Life and What is God? (among others); Professor of Philosophy, San Francisco State University; Visiting Professor atDuxx Graduate School of Business Leadership; Research Fellow at Union Theological Seminary; guest Professor, Religious Studies at the Sorbonne, Paris.


George Bickerstaff: entrepreneur and former CFO of Novartis; co-founder of The Global Leaders; George is a board member, investor, partner and trustee for various public and private businesses and philanthropic organizations and a major voice for leadership development.


Heather Schultz: A noted author, public speaker and philanthropist. She is Vice President at Senn Delaney, a firm whose purpose is to positively impact the world by inspiring leaders to create thriving organizational cultures. Formerly she was CLO for Save the Children and President of the Tom Peters Group. She has served as a board member for a number of arts institutions and is executive director of a not-for-profit organization focused on African development.


Alan Lurie: Managing Director for Project Management at Grubb-Ellis NYC. Alan is also an ordained Rabbi, author of Five Minutes on Mondays: Finding Unexpected Peace, Purpose, and Fulfillment at Work, and a regular contributor to The Huffington Post and Financial Times Press




Registration Fee: $400
Fees include light breakfast, lunch, and refreshments
Scholarships are available.


All proceeds will be used to support the non-profit work of Intersections International’s Leadership and Values Roundtable initiative and its Power and Values project.  

To register:

Category: Archive
Last Updated: May 10, 2011