Community Board/News/Dr. Peter Heltzel and Dr. Cornel West – Michael Brown’s Death and the Prophetic Fire
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Dr. Peter Heltzel and Dr. Cornel West – Michael Brown’s Death and the Prophetic Fire

A young life cut short

In light of all of the tragedy surrounding the death of of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO and the following unrest it has caused, NYTS professor Dr. Peter Heltzel and Dr. Cornel West have collaborated in writing a Thanksgiving Prayer for The Daily News this weekend:

As we gather at tables, grieving the state of our nation, may we gain spiritual strength for the journey ahead, drawing on the deepest wells of wisdom from those on whose shoulders we stand and the various faith traditions that have fueled their freedom march and continue to energize ours.

In the spirit of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and Dr. King, may the pioneers of the civil rights movement collaborate with the young leaders in Ferguson, New York City and other cities, and may they impart their knowledge and understanding of nonviolent resistance that is not passive, but is spiritually active with an abiding faith that the universe is on the side of justice, and that, in the end, love will triumph over evil.

May this spiritual strength, fueled by prophetic fire and love, reveal to us our neighbors’ humanity, our own complicity in their suffering and liberate us once and for all from the history that continues to enslave us.

Read the full article online HERE. For further details on how NYTS has responded to the tragedy, please visit

Category: News
Last Updated: December 01, 2014