Community Board/Archive/C-SPUR Brown Bag Lunch Seminar Series – September 9 – December 9, 2015
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C-SPUR Brown Bag Lunch Seminar Series – September 9 – December 9, 2015

C-SPUR Brown Bag Lunch Seminar Series:
“The Theology of Creation Care and Urban Environmental Justice”


Facilitated by Dr. Keith Russell and Dr. Marian Ronan
Available as a 2 Credit Elective

The Interchurch Center
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 500, Conference Room A
New York, NY 10115


Wednesdays: September 9, October 14, November 11, December 9, 2015
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.


The Theology of Creation Care and Urban Environmental Justice


The Center for the Study and Practice of Urban Religion (C-SPUR) at New York Theological Seminary with funding from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation is offering a seminar series on urban environmental justice. The series, which is open to the public, will comprise four ninety-minute luncheon gatherings on the theme of “Creation Care and Urban Environmental Justice.” The seminars, to be facilitated by Dr. Keith Russell and Dr. Marian Ronan, will include guest speakers, presentations and films to discuss the topics of: “What is Environmental Justice?”, “Environmental Justice and Community Action”, “Climate Change and Communities of Color”, and “What Must Churches Do?” Each session will conclude with a segment on prophetic preaching about environmental justice in urban congregations.



Wednesday, September 9: “What is Environmental Justice?”


As the foundation for the series, this seminar explores the history and scope of the environmental justice movement, including viewing and discussing three short films: one about the meaning of environmental justice, with Robert Bullard, the father of the U.S. environmental justice movement; a second exploring the scope of environmental racism; and a third about the role of the church in the struggle for environmental justice, with Dr. Geoffrey Black, the head of the United Church of Christ. Dr. Keith Russell will conclude with a segment on prophetic preaching about environmental justice in urban congregations.



Wednesday, October 14: “Environmental Justice and Community Action”


Dr. Marian Ronan begins our second seminar with an exploration of the intrinsic relationship between the environmental justice movement, the Civil Rights Movement, the Indigenous People’s Movement, and the United Farm Workers Movement. She will highlight the crucial role organizing for action has played in all four movements.


Dr. Keith A. Russell will introduce sermon ideas, texts and exegesis for prophetic preaching on environmental justice and action.



Wednesday, November 11: “The Ground Zero of Climate Change and Communities of Color”


Using films and fact sheets, this session will explore the ways in which urban communities of color are already bearing a disproportionate share of the negative effects of climate change. Special emphasis will be placed on the impacts of global warming as it impacts the urban poor, air pollution and the spread of infectious disease particularly among urban populations. Dr. Keith Russell will share and exegete scripture texts to be used when preaching on climate change, concluding with a brief exemplary sermon.



Wednesday, December 9: “What Must Churches Do?”


This fourth seminar addresses the moral obligation of Christian congregations not only to become informed about issues of environmental and climate justice, but to act on them. There will be presentations on what churches can do to become energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Dr. Keith Russell will conclude with a presentation on preaching and creation care.


NYTS | 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 500 | New York, NY 10115 | Tel: 212-870-1211 | Fax: 212-870-1236 |

Category: Archive
Last Updated: August 24, 2015