Community Board/Alumni/Ae/NYTS Congratulates MPS Alum John Valverde on his New Appointment
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NYTS Congratulates MPS Alum John Valverde on his New Appointment

YouthBuild USA, Inc. Names New CEO John Valverde to Become Only the Second Leader, Bringing Personal, Professional Experience to Nonprofit Committed to Rebuilding Lives


valverdeYouthBuild USA, Inc. today announced the appointment of John B. Valverde (MPS 1995)  as its Chief Executive Officer effective January 3, 2017. As CEO, Valverde will lead an international nonprofit organization that has grown a global network of YouthBuild programs enabling out-of-school, unemployed young people to reclaim their educations, gain the skills they need for employment, and become leaders in their communities. NYTS  congratulates Mr. Valverde on his new appointment.

Read the full press release HERE.
Last Updated: October 24, 2016