Community Board/News/D.Min Student Rev. Deborah Lindsay featured in Columbus Dispatch article on Christian-Muslim Relations
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D.Min Student Rev. Deborah Lindsay featured in Columbus Dispatch article on Christian-Muslim Relations

Rev. Deborah Lindsay, current D.Min. student at NYTS is featured in an article concerning her work on Christian/Muslim relations on the Columbus Dispatch.  Here is an excerpt as well as link to the article.

The Rev. Deborah Lindsay’s office isn’t exactly typical for a Christian minister.

Along with crosses on the wall, bookshelves hold Christian texts alongside Muslim scriptures. A dish on a table holds Muslim prayer beads. Behind her door hang clergy stoles, including one patterned with a colorful design adapted from a Muslim prayer rug.

The room at First Community Church in Marble Cliff represents what Lindsay has spent the past four years working to achieve. Just as she has found that Christianity can blend with Islam in her office, she has shown that Christians can sit beside Muslims in the community.

Lindsay is wrapping up a Muslim-Christian bridge-building project that pairs members of her church with members of the Noor Islamic Cultural Center in Hilliard.

It’s part of her work toward a doctor of ministry degree in multi-faith studies at New York Theological Seminary.

Here is the link:

In addition, here is the sermon she gave on that started on her path in August 2001, when she was angered by threats from the Rev. Terry Jones in Florida to burn copies of the Quran on Sept. 11.


Category: News
Last Updated: March 28, 2014