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Gun Violence, Paul, and New Life – Toward Higher Goals: Dr. Efrain Agosto Speaks On Scripture

Pressing on Toward Higher Goals: Dr. Efrain Agosto Speaks on Paul, New Life, and Gun ViolenceDr. Efrain Agosto, professor New Testament Studies at New York Theological Seminary, has an article on Oddysey Networks On Scripture, a place that explores a wide range of issues from the perspective of scripture.

Dr. Agosto’s article reflects on Gun Violence in light the new life Paul describes in scripture.  Although 2nd ammendment rights allow for the ability to defend oneself with armed weapons, to what extent?  How far should it go?  More important, how does this coincide with the challenge that Paul gives us to “be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but one that comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God based on faith.” (Phillipians 3:9, NRSV)  To read more, go to the site here.

Category: News
Last Updated: March 14, 2013