Community Board/News/NYTS at AAR: Reception and Sessions (REVISED)
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NYTS at AAR: Reception and Sessions (REVISED)

Make arrangements to join us at: American Academy of Religion 2011 Annual Meeting

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M20-3 New York Theological Seminary/Journal Of World Christianity Breakfast 11/20/2011 7:00 AM to 8:45 AM Room: Continental Ballroom Salon 8 – Hilton Union Square

New York Theological Seminary invites all Alumnae/i to our breakfast for an update on the seminary and future plans. Also, all Journal of World Christianity members are invited for an update on the journal and future volumes.


A19-104 Special Topics Forum

Saturday – 9:00 am-11:30 am
Room: IC-Howard

L. DeAne Lagerquist, St. Olaf College, Presiding

Sponsored by the Academic Relations Committee

This session is intended to provide new and continuing Department Chairs the space to explore the challenges and opportunities of their work, especially in the current context of shrinking funds and under-siege humanities programs. Participants will: 1) Hear from present and former Chairs and consult with each other, and 2) Provide feedback on departmental needs and recommendations to the Academic Relations Committee as it contemplates its ongoing service to the discipline. Continental breakfast will be provided.

Theme: An Open Conversation about Departments, Programs, and Institutions


  • Edwin David Aponte, New York Theological Seminary
  • Joseph A. Favazza, Stonehill College
  • Rosetta E. Ross, Spelman College
  • David Harrington Watt, Temple University
  • Steve Young, McHenry County College

A19-121 World Christianity Group

Saturday – 9:00 am-11:30 am
Room: IC-Intercontinental Ballroom C

Jayachitra Lalitha, Tamilnadu Theological Seminary, Presiding

Theme: Women, Theological Education, and Pastoral Formation in World Christianity

  • Adelaide Boadi, Drew University
    Beyond the “Rocking of Cradles” — Christianity’s Unsung Heroines: The Case of Ghana/West Africa
  • William Yoo, Emory University
    Battle Hymn of a Korean Tiger Mother: Theological Education and Christian Formation in the Life and Writings of Kim Hwal-lan (Activist, Educator, Liberationist, and Methodist)
  • Katie Schubert, Claremont Graduate University
    Cambodian Women Pastor Training: Empowerment or Colonization?
  • Sathianathan Clarke, Wesley Theological Seminary
    Dalit Theological Education: Feminist, Postcolonial, and Inner-colonial Perspectives

Responding: Elaine Padilla, New York Theological Seminary

Business Meeting: Jane Carol Redmont, Guilford College

A19-201 Special Topics Forum

Saturday – 1:00 pm-3:30 pm
Room: MM-Yerba Buena 15

Almeda Wright, Pfeiffer University, Presiding

Sponsored by the Graduate Student Committee

Comprising one-third of the total AAR membership, student members bring innovative scholarship and fresh ideas to the table, but navigating the field as a budding scholar can be a daunting task! Please join the Graduate Student Committee and the AAR Student Director for an informal conversation about our place in the Academy. In addition to open dialogue regarding student issues, we will have members from various Task Forces and Committees speak to us about the work they do on behalf of the students. The Town Hall meeting provides an important opportunity to meet your student representatives, learn about student programming, and voice your concerns and needs as undergraduate and graduate student members of the American Academy of Religion. Come for camaraderie, conversation, and coffee!

Theme: Student Town Hall Meeting — Stepping Stones: Finding Your Footing in the Academy


  • Elizabeth Lawson, Temple University
  • Steven Barrie-Anthony, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Elaine Padilla, New York Theological Seminary
  • Ben Sanders, Iliff School of Theology and University of Denver
  • Kristy Slominski, University of California, Santa Barbara



Saturday – 8:00 pm-10:00 pm
Room: MM-Nob Hill C

Carla Jean-McNeil Jackson, Independent Scholar, Presiding

Sponsored by the Black Theology Group and the Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Group

Speak with an intergenerational panel following the screening of NO!, the internationally acclaimed, award-winning, feature-length documentary that unveils the reality of rape, other forms of sexual violence, and healing in African-American communities. NO! also explores how rape is used as a weapon of homophobia. The featured panelists will discuss how religion, race, and politics can both negatively and positively influence attitudes and solutions to end rape and other forms of sexual violence. They will engage in a conversation that will explore some of the issues highlighted in the documentary: 1) Black feminist/womanist Christian and Islamic perspectives that address the wrongfulness of the rape of women; 2) Black men as profeminist/womanist allies in rape prevention; 3) Rape as a community issue that reinforces interlocking systems of oppression, such as racism, sexism, classism, and heterosexism; and 4) Activism and spirituality as healing modalities. Gender-based violence is an international atrocity that knows no boundary. This panel will address these global acts of violence through the first-person testimonies, scholarship, activism, and cultural work of African-Americans. As Alice Walker, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Color Purple says, “If the Black community in the Americas and in the world would save itself it must complete the work NO! begins.”

Theme: “NO!” Breaking Silences Around Black Women and Rape


  • Aishah Shahidah Simmons, AfroLez® Productions
  • Traci C. West, Drew University
  • Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons, University of Florida
  • Obery M. Hendricks, New York Theological Seminary

A20-285 Special Topics Forum

Sunday – 3:00 pm-4:00 pm
Room: MM-Pacific C

Elaine Padilla, New York Theological Seminary, Presiding

Sponsored by the Graduate Student Committee

The process of getting into a Ph.D. program can seem shrouded in mystery. Candidates often face seemingly innumerable questions, and venture into the unknown without the tools needed to succeed. In this roundtable we will have an informal discussion over coffee and cookies with selected directors, faculty, and students who are currently a part of several doctoral and/or funding programs to explore the dynamics or “tricks” involved in pursuing the “trade” of applying for a Ph.D.

Theme: Student Lounge Roundtable — Tricks of the Trade for Students Seeking Acceptance into Ph.D. Programs


  • Monica A. Coleman, Claremont School of Theology
  • Dwight N. Hopkins, University of Chicago
  • Dhawn Martin, Drew University
  • Peter C. Phan, Georgetown University
  • Joanne Rodríguez, Hispanic Theological Initiative

A20-315 Bible, Theology, and Postmodernity Group

Sunday – 5:00 pm-6:30 pm
Room: MM-Yerba Buena 10

Danielle Elizabeth Tumminio, Boston University, Presiding

Theme: Performing Love and Embodiment

  • Elaine Padilla, New York Theological Seminary
    Words Made Flesh: Explorations of the Divine Embodiment of Erotic Love
  • Jacob Myers, Emory University
    Before the Gaze Ineffable: A Postmodern Reading of Song of Songs
  • Justine Smith, Havard University
    Performative Absences: Creating Indigenized Christianities and Indigenous Sovereignty Systems through Erasure
  • Adriaan van Klinken, Utrecht University
    The Body of Christ as a Queer Community

A21-200 Special Topics Forum

Monday – 1:00 pm-3:30 pm
Room: CC-3016

Ben Sanders, Iliff School of Theology and University of Denver, Presiding

Kristy Slominski, University of California, Santa Barbara, Presiding

Sponsored by the Graduate Student Committee

In light of the economy’s impact on employment opportunities in religious studies, the Graduate Student Committee is dedicating this year’s Special Topics Forum to “Retooling for a New Job Market.” This event will consist of two parts. The first will feature a panel of recently hired professors, professors who have been active on search committees, and a representative from the nontraditional (i.e., nonprofessorial) job market. The second part of this event will be a forum in which attendants will have the opportunity to engage in smaller, separate, roundtable conversations with the panelists. Each panelist will lead a conversation aimed at addressing particular issues, such as how to prepare for the on-campus interview, how to creatively present and market yourself, how to determine which type of teaching position is best for you, and how to negotiate once a job is offered. Please join us for what promises to be an important and informative time!

Theme: Retooling for a New Job Market


  • Timothy M. Renick, Georgia State University
  • Jeremy Posadas, Emory University
  • Jeffrey Kuan, Drew University
  • Eleanor J. Moody Shepherd, New York Theological Seminary
  • Brenda Bailey-Hainer, American Theological Library Association

A21-318 Christian Spirituality Group and Latina/o Religion, Culture, and Society Group

Monday – 4:00 pm-6:30 pm
Room: CC-2010

Timothy M. Matovina, University of Notre Dame, Presiding

A panel of five scholars will offer a critical reflection of how the Latina/o presence in Canada and the United States is or may be currently influencing contemporary spirituality and/or spirituality studies. Latina/o theologies privilege theology done en conjunto (in common/together/ensemble) and our panelists will enter into conversation with each other and with the audience in intermittent question-and-answer periods.

Theme: “Reconfigurando Contemporary Spirituality”: The Contribution of Latino/a and Hispanic Cultures


  • Gilberto Cavazos-González, Catholic Theological Union
  • C. Vanessa White, Catholic Theological Union
  • Arlene Sanchez Walsh, Azusa Pacific University
  • Edwin David Aponte, New York Theological Seminary

A21-331 Scriptural Reasoning Group and Ricoeur Group

Monday – 4:00 pm-6:30 pm
Room: MM-Club Room

Michael De Lashmutt, Sarum College, Presiding

Using Paul Ricouer’s hermeneutic for explaining the logic of scripture, this panel critically engages the theories of Ricouer and their relationship to the Scriptural Reasoning model, examining points of departure and intersection in logic and methodology.

Theme: The Hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur and Scriptural Reasoning

  • Kim Young Won, Graduate Theological Union
    Paul Ricoeur’s Religious Hermeneutics: A Theory for Scriptural Reasoning
  • Brian A. Butcher, Pacific College
    Scriptural Reasoning According to a Liturgical Logic: Reading the Song of Songs with Ricoeur and the Church Fathers
  • Jin Han, New York Theological Seminary
    Allegory and Alterity in Ricoeur’s Reading of the Song of Songs
  • Rose Ellen Dunn, Drew University
    Imagining Possibilities: “Thinking Biblically” with Paul Ricoeur

S20-241 Sabbath in Text, Tradition, and Theology 11/20/2011 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Room: Mission I – Renaissance Parc 55 Theme: Conflict and Conquest: War and Warfare on the Sabbath

  • Edward Allen, Union College, Presiding
  • Sigve K. Tonstad, Loma Linda University To Fight or Not to Fight on the Sabbath: The Maccabean Revolt Revisited (30 min)
  • Nadav Sharon, Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Conquests of Jerusalem by Pompey and Herod: On Sabbath or “Sabbath of Sabbaths?” (30 min)
  • Jin H. Han, New York Theological Seminary Bear Arms, Know Shame (30 min)
  • Discussion (15 min)
  • Business Meeting (15 min)

S21-233a Performance Criticism of Biblical and Other Ancient Texts 11/21/2011 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM

Room: Fillmore – Renaissance Parc 55 Theme: Performance of Mark’s Passion Narrative

  • A performance of Mark’s Passion narrative by Tom Boomershine, followed by responses from a panel
  • Jin Han, New York Theological Seminary, Presiding
  • Thomas Boomershine, United Theological Seminary, Panelist (20 min)
  • William Shiell, Carson-Newman College, Panelist (15 min)
  • Kathy Maxwell, Palm Beach Atlantic University, Panelist (15 min)
  • Deirdre Good, General Theological Seminary, Panelist (15 min)
  • David Trobisch, Springfield, MO, Panelist (15 min)
  • Laura Sweat, Seattle Pacific University, Panelist (15 min)
  • Thomas Boomershine, United Theological Seminary, Respondent (20 min)
  • Discussion (35 min)

Category: News
Last Updated: October 22, 2011