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Collaborative Chinese Doctor of Ministry


Chinese Churches around the globe are among the fasting growing segment in world Christianity today. To meet the increased need for training, York Theological Seminary (NYTS) and New York Theological Education Center (NYTEC) have entered into a collaborative effort to offer a Doctor of Ministry for Chinese speaking church leaders.

At a ceremony in Queens, New York, NYTS President Dale T. Irvin and NYTEC’s Timothy Chiu signed a historic “Memorandum of Understanding.” The memorandum calls for NYTS to begin offering the Doctor of Ministry to Chinese-speaking candidates in the fall of 2010. Candidates will form a new cohort group within the Seminary’s existing doctoral program. NYTS will oversee instruction in English and Chinese and grant the degree.

Existing Online Chinese Resources Tapped

NYTEC has been developing online Chinese language resources for theological education for more than a decade. The NYTC Master of Divinity degree is now in process of review for accreditation in Asia. Members of the NYTEC faculty who teach in the D. Min program will join the NYTS faculty as Affiliate members, and will be joined by other members of the NYTS Core Faculty in offering instruction in the program. Coursework will be completed in intensive formats in New York City, supported by additional work online.

Churches in China as well as among Chinese speaking communities around the globe are among the fasting growing segment in world Christianity today. This growth has significantly increased the needs for ministerial training in China and elsewhere. For many Chinese church leaders, opportunities for advanced theological education are severely limited. Many Chinese church leaders are also seeking to gain a greater understanding of Christianity in other parts of the world. The NYTS-NYTEC partnership, supported by the diversity of world Christian experience now found within New York City today, will address those needs.

New York Theological Seminary has long been training women and men for ministry in China and among Chinese speaking communities elsewhere throughout the world. Over the past four decades the Seminary has also increasingly partnered with both educational institutions and churches whose mission aligns with that of NYTS.

NYTEC has been a pioneer in developing theological education on a global scale in Chinese through online learning. The Chinese Online School of Theology now offers a Master of Divinity degree, which is in the process of application for accreditation through the Asian Theological Association. NYTEC works as well with accredited schools of theological education in China. Among its graduates are a number of emerging church leaders in China and other parts of the world. Making use an extensive network of relationships in China, NYTEC promises not only to be able to recruit candidates for the program, but to secure the necessary permissions to allow those who are accepted and enrolled to come to New York City for the required periods of intensive study.

NYTS and NYTEC will be jointly working to identify new sources of scholarship and support for this program. In return, candidates in the program will be invited to visit supporting churches during the periods of intensive instruction in New York City in order to preach as well as provide information on the situation of Christianity in China today. Candidates who receive scholarship support will also be asked to commit themselves to returning to serve in the regional or national context from which they come for a minimum of three years following graduation from the NYTS program, in order to insure that the benefits of the degree are passed along to the churches in these parts of the world.

A video of the signing ceremony as well as comments by President Irvin and Vice President Moody-Shepherd can be seen at





NYTS and NYTEC in the News

NYTEC Offers Doctor of Ministry Program in Chinese
全威 / 基督日報記者
2010 03 18 09 29 分 上午
Posted. On March 18, 2010 at 9:29am
3 月15 日,紐約神學教育中心與紐約神學院正式簽訂開辦中文教牧學博士課程
On March 15, New York Theological Education Center (NYTEC) and New York
Theological Seminary (NYTS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding launching a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) program in Chinese. This joint effort not only helps elevate the online Chinese theological education endeavors of NYTEC, but also turns a new page in the cooperation between a seminary in the West and one with an Oriental background.
紐約神學教育中心自1992 年成立以來,一直致力於網路科技推動神學教育,開
Ever since the inception of NYTEC in 1992, it has strived to take advantage of the many advances in information technology to promote theological education; further, headway has been made in offering online study of theology in Chinese. Chinese Online School of Theology, a division of NYTEC, is still a forerunner that offers holistic online theological degree programs that cater to the Chinese-speaking people. It spares no efforts to making Chinese theological education accessible for people all around the Globe.
NYTEC and NYTS see eye to eye in the way they run their institutes, especially when it comes to employing information technology to advance theological education. They also believe in the globalization of their campuses.
士課程預計將於4 月啟動
What’s more, with a history of over one hundred years, NYTS makes special efforts to provide ethnic minorities within the student body theological studies in their native languages. In addition to an English curriculum, NYTS teaches in multiple languages including Spanish, Korean, and French. This approach facilitates a richer understanding for students of different cultures. The Chinese D.Min. program, slated to start in April, will carry this inclusive mission forward.
紐約神學院院長爾文博士(Dr. Dale T. Irvin)表示,新增設的中文教牧學博
According to NYTS President Dr. Dale T. Irvin, this new Chinese D.Min program is mainly open to Chinese pastoral personnel who are active in their various ministries. This avails them the opportunity to further their theological studies in their own native language without having to leave their posts.
A series of intensive studies will be offered at NYTEC and taught by experienced faculty members from both institutes. Some material will be taught in
Chinese and some will be presented with instantaneous Chinese translation.
An expression of joy and anticipation of a full cooperation between the two
theological education institutes can clearly be seen on the face of Dr. Timothy
Chiu, President of NYTEC, after the signing ceremony. Dr. Chiu expressed that
“this is a wonderful picture of how theological education institutes from the
East and the West can work together.”

He added this collaboration turns over a new leaf by blending a Chinese institute of theological learning within the mainstream. That’s something to celebrate about.


For more information on ways of giving scholarships to the program, contact the office of Development at NYTS at (212) 870-1211.

Category: News
Last Updated: March 22, 2010