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UCC Polity Students

Attention UCC Students!!!

Register Now for the UCC Polity Course

Sponsored by
UCC Metropolitan Association of
the New York Conference
in cooperation with
New York Theological Seminary
Union Theological Seminary


UCC Polity is a four-credit course that combines independent reading in the fall with a nine-day, all day intensive seminar in the January Term.
Orientation: Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Mid Term Meeting: Wednesday, October 28, 2009
January Term Seminary: Friday, January 8, to Saturday, January 16, 2010
Time and places to be announced


At the orientation meeting students will go over the syllabus and requirements and receive their reading and writing assignments. The instructors are The Rev. Dr. Paul Bradley and The Rev. Elizabeth Wheeler.
If you plan to attend the course, please contact The Rev. Dr. Paul Bradley by email at or by phone at 212-870-1218. This will get you on the course mailing list and give you an opportunity to bring up any questions.


Register now for the Course at your seminary.

Category: News
Last Updated: September 16, 2009