Community Board/Alumni/Ae/North Campus Adds Another 13 to Alumni Pool
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North Campus Adds Another 13 to Alumni Pool

On Friday, June 10, 2010 New York Theological Seminary graduated 13 newly minted alumni  at our North Campus location, and it was a great celebration indeed! Words of greetings were brought to the graduates by President Rev. Dr. Dale T. Irvin, and Superintendent Philip Heath.

Professors Dr. Ron Warden, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Rosborough, and Rev. Dr. Stephen Phelps read Scripture and delivered the Call to Commitment. Trustee, Cheryl Wills brought greetings, and Rev. Dr. Eleanor Moody-Shepherd presented the degrees.

Rev. Dr. Edward L. Hunt made everyone laugh when he told the gathering that he lost all his hair when one of the student speakers said that he was going off script. Dr. Hunt went further to say that he came to the graduation with an Afro, but lost it all when the student made his proclamation.

The student in question delivered a compelling speech on how “God Wastes No One”…and I think that we can all agree that is certainly the case with this newly minted group of 13 disciples.

Category: Alumni/Ae
Last Updated: June 10, 2010