Community Board/Alumni/Ae/Elsa Callender ’99 Beloved Alumna Dies
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Elsa Callender ’99 Beloved Alumna Dies

     Elsa Callender ’99, a beloved member of the NYTS family, died on Sunday, November 15th (at 12:04 a.m.), at the age of 80; just three weeks after moving upstate to be near her daughter and her family. On August 29th her daughter and son-n-law, son, grandchildren, many other relatives, and friends helped her celebrate her birthday. She was thrilled. 

     Elsa was ordained by the United Church of Christ in May 2001 and served as an interim and supply preacher at several churches in the Metro and Suffolk Association. In September she retired as the protestant minister at the Jewish Home and Hospital on 106th Street. She was a resident chaplain of The Health Care Chaplaincy, Inc., in New York City, certified by the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy.

     Elsa was an active member (since 1982) and former leader of Laiety Empowerment at The Riverside Church. Ever serving humanity, Elsa also had a full career as a nurse.

     She served the Lord and her faith community with total passion and commitment, leaving a strong personal essence wherever she graced. She will be missed!

     Funeral arrangement are pending at this time.

Category: Alumni/Ae
Last Updated: November 16, 2009